Danger Of Injecting Seasoning Salt (Cube) Into Anus For Big Butt

There is a growing trend about girls injecting seasoning salt like Knorr or Maggi into their anus. This attempt is to get bigger butt size.

Injecting seasoning cubes into anus for big butt is bad. It can cause hypertension
Seasoning cubes

It is a concoction. It is a combination of seasoning cubes with hot water or chicken broth.

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They crushed seasoning cubes in a small cup and then boil hot water and pour into the cup containing the crushed cubes. They then mix the mixture properly before putting it into the syringe.

There is no evidence that this mixture does work. Even if it works from folktales, it definitely is not safe.

Danger Of Injecting Seasoning Salt Into Anus

The anal region contains a lot of nerve endings. It is capable of absorbing things inserted there into the bloodstream. That is the reason drugs are made as suppository to be inserted.

Seasoning cubes contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium chloride (NACL) and other ingredients. High amounts of sodium are very bad for our health.

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High sodium in the body can cause high blood pressure, stroke and other heart related diseases. Sodium increases water excretion from the body. This leads to loss of important body electrolyte and dehydration. The end result is heart related disease.


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