Dr Meyers Becombion Syrup For Weight Gain

Dr Meyers Becombion syrup is a multivitamin containing some of the vitamin B complex. It has many functions.

Dr Meyers becombion syrup for weight gain
Becombion syrup

Becombion For Weight Gain

Becombion syrup does not lead to weight gain. What it does is that it helps restore vitamin B complex in deficiency conditions. Deficiency in vitamin B complex leads to weakened energy metabolism causing muscle wasting and/or depression. It is also associated with loss of appetite.

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Adding becombion to the deficient diet would then help you regain health and muscles, which would of course add weight that is beneficial to your health. 

In summary, becombion helps weight gain by;

#Improve cell health

#growth of red blood cells

#energy levels

#good digestion

#healthy appetite

#proper nerve function

#hormones and cholesterol production

#muscle tone


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