Does Abidec Drop Make Babies Sleep

Abidec is a multivitamin drop. It is designed for children under one year. It contains seven essential vitamins in one daily dose. However, let us find out if it can cause excessive sleep or drowsiness.

Does abidec drop makes babies sleep excessively

Does Abidec Makes Babies Sleep

Before we answer that question, let's take a closer look at the ingredients. Abidec drops contain 7 essential multivitamin and mineral at low strength. This is suitable for children below a year on a regular diet.

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There is no evidence that any of the multivitamins and minerals have drowsiness as side effects. It does not contain cyproheptadine found in some multivitamins and minerals. Since there is no cyproheptadine in abidec that is known for its drowsy effect, we can say, it does not cause excessive sleep or drowsiness.


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