STC30 By Superlife And Peptic Ulcer

Can STC30 treat and cure peptic ulcer? This is the question in the mind of many users. They want to know if it is possible. Some even want to know how it does this. If you belong to the other above category, you are at the right place.

STC30 effect on peptic ulcer

STC30 is a supplement made by Superlife with enormous benefits. It is adapted from stem cell therapy because of the benefit of stem cell therapy. It claims to treat above 130 different chronic diseases.

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STC30 On Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer is an injury or sore in the lining of the stomach or intestine. There are two types of ulcers. Stomach ulcer is ulcer sore in the lining of the stomach while duodenal ulcer is ulcer sore at the duodenum.

Both types of ulcer are caused by either proliferation of a normal flora of the stomach called helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) or the indiscriminate use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID).

STC30 contains some plant extracts. These extracts individually have some benefits. When combined together it is expected that their benefits will increase and even improve.

STC30 is not an antibiotic. It cannot treat and cure h pylori infection. It can only boost the immune system to fight it. It serves as an adjuvant therapy when paired with appropriate antibiotics.

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However, it has been claimed that STC30 helps repair damaged ulcer sore tissue. Considering the many claims attributed to STC30, one should expect this claim. It seems logical and reasonable.

Burn the bottom line is ulcer treatment is never complete without lifestyle modifications. Treatment should go with reduction in caffeine intake alcohol, smoking, spicy food, milk and difficult to digest foods like beans. You should avoid stress and the use of NSAID.


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