Can Damatol Hair Cream Kill Lice

Damatol hair cream is a special antiseptic formula for preventing hair damages, scalp infections such as hair dandruff, ringworm, itching, eczema, barbing infection, pimples, rashes, bumps and severe aftershave. It also promotes hair growth.
Effect of damatol hair cream on lice

It is formulated with petroleum jelly, mineral oil, lanolin, peppermint oil, coconut oil, menthol, sulphur and dematol concentrate.

Can Damatol Kill Lice

Damatol was never promoted as a lice killer. Head lice are tiny, blood-sucking insects that live and lay eggs on your scalp. They cause itching and irritation, and an infestation can cause mild complications if left untreated. Lice are also extremely contagious.
However, many people use on their head to treat head lice with the hope of a magic. Though not a cure, damatol hair cream can have some positive outcomes when it comes to lice. The reason is because damatol contains coconut oil.
The lauric acid in coconut oil may help kill lice. This treatment is not as effective as other over-the-counter (OTC) treatments for lice, but it’s less toxic for your body.


  1. It actually kills lice effectively. Tried it and also recommends it to people.

  2. Damatol can still work for nits
    I mean that it can kill nits and maybe lice to

  3. How long does it take for damatol to kill lice


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