The Type Of Haemoglobin In De Deon's Syrup

What kind of heamoglobin is in De deon's
De deon's heamoglobin

De deon's is a haematinic syrup. It contains hemoglobin, liver extract and cyanocobalamin. According to, it is used for strength, physical endurance, anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, liver disease, detoxification of the body, chronic fatigue syndrome, liver function, liver damage, muscle development, Addisonian anemia and other conditions.

Something caught my attention. It is the constituent. De deon's claim to contain haemoglobin. The hemoglobin (Hb or Hgb) I know is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cell (RBC) of most vertebrates and some invertebrates. It releases oxygen from the lungs or gills to the rest of the body through metabolism.

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A healthy person has about 12-20g of Hb in 100ml of blood. When the level falls below that, lifestyle and drugs can be used to increase Hb level. When this fails, blood transfusion is carried out for those who accept this form of treatment. For those who object to blood transfusion, artificial blood is used.

There are so many drugs available to increase Hb level. Most contain some vitamins and minerals. Examples are iron, folic acid, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), etc. These products all claim to boost hemoglobin level in the body. However, De deon's came with haemoglobin as one of the constituents. Which hemoglobin is that?

Artificial Blood

Before we look at what the hemoglobin in De deon's is, let us go further a bit. Scientists have over the years tried to produce artificial blood. They have tried different products but have all failed. They were only able to come out with oxygen carriers. That means that these products cannot achieve the other functions of blood. Blood is not just carrying oxygen.

There are two types of oxygen carriers. They differ in the way they carry oxygen. One is based on perfluorochemicals and the other on hemoglobin based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) which utilize the same oxygen carrying protein molecules found in blood.

Artificial Heamoglobin

The major difference between HBOCs and RBC is that HBOCs are not contained in a membrane and have no antigen (blood group). This makes it a suitable product to give to anybody not minding the person's blood group. It also has the advantage of long storage compared to blood and use in place of blood transfusion. It can be gotten from natural sources or manufactured synthetically.

In advanced countries, this is what is used in place of blood during transfusion for those who object to whole blood. However, there is no case of oral product that is easily absorbable in the body. What De deon's did was probably to introduce the artificial hemoglobin into their syrup for oral consumption. There are still questions if it was modified or how it was done to enhance absorption through oral route. But one thing is certain that it works for many patients. And laboratory analysis of the blood of patients taking De deon's showed an increase in RBC after some days.

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Let's look at the other constituents. Liver extract is a solution made from animal liver (cow, cattle, etc). It contains many vitamins, especially vitamin B12. Liver extract is used in treating many types of disease conditions. They are mostly unconfirmed. The major advantage it offers is the extra vitamins.

The product also comes with vitamin B12 which is also cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B12 is responsible for healthy nerves, blood cells and making DNA, folic acid and iron. Vitamin B12 is also known to enhance production of natural hemoglobin in the body. This in turn helps in megaloblastic and macrocytic anemia secondary to deficiency and in treating pernicious anemia.


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