Why it Is Wrong To Use Methylated Spirit To Clean Open Wound

Why methylated spirit is not good to clean open wound
Wound dressing with methylated spirit
Methylated spirit also known as denatured alcohol is a common disinfectant found in Nigeria. The compound have so many uses both in industrial level and home use. The common use of it in the industry is to disinfect and sterilize medical equipment. However, it's uses in homes range from cleaning electronics, stain removal and disinfecting wounds.
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Content Of Methylated Spirit

Methylated spirit is a combination of two chemicals. They are methanol alcohol which is a poisonous liquid and ethanol which is the intoxicating compound in alcoholic beverages. The combination is effective disinfectant. It's other advantage of leaving no stain and evaporating is no distant times gives it a positive node for wound cleaning. However, there are negative effect of using methylated spirit in cleaning open wounds.
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Using methylated spirit on open wounds kills bacteria in the wound. However, it also harms the nerve endings of the wound. This prolong healing time.
Methylated spirit can be use to disinfect an intact skin prior to introduction of a needle and after. It can also be used to clean minor injury caused by things like needles. If the wound is bigger and deeper, an isotonic disinfectant such as normal saline is the best.
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