List Of Laboratory And Diagnostic Test And Their Function
In this post, we shall see the list of laboratory and diagnostic test. Laboratory test and diagnostic procedures are required to ascertain the health condition of a person. There are several types with different procedures to determine the health condition of the individual.
To give a precise medical diagnosis and initiate a treatment plan, prescriber request for these from the laboratory.
Community pharmacy is faced with reading and interpretation of different laboratory test. There are times they request a test from their patient. It is good we all get conversant with most of the available test and diagnosis around.
Read Also: laboratory test encounter by retail or community pharmacy
Clinical Chemistry
1. Liver function: this test is a blood test that is use to diagnose and monitor liver disease. The test measures the level of some protein and enzyme in the blood that are regulated by the liver. An increase or decrease can signal liver disease. For example, higher levels of bilirubin indicates that the liver is failing to clear the it from the body.
2. Fasting blood sugar (FBS): a blood test for the detection of sugar in the blood and quantity after fasting or at least 8 hours from last meal. The blood is added to a machine that gives the reading.
3. Random blood sugar (RBS): a blood test for the detection of sugar in the blood and quantity at anytime without recourse to food. Same process as above.
4. Electrolyte and urea: it is a way of assessing kidney function. Since the kidney remove waste product from the body, an increase in the value of waste product in the body indicate kidney disease or damage. A blood test taken to the laboratory investigate the key waste product and a higher than normal amount is enough indication.
5. Glomerular filtration rate: is a means of assessing how well the kidney is working by measuring the rate of blood filtered through the kidney. It is done by injecting a tracer into the vein that travels to the kidney. Three blood sample are taken and the amount of tracer in each sample is measured to estimate the number of tracer and blood that got filtered through the kidney. Lower rate indicate kidney problem.
6. Oral glucose tolerance: a good way to assess the blood glucose levels in pregnant women. The patient is given a dose of glucose after first testing the blood glucose level. A series of blood test is carried out after every 30 minute for about 4 times before concluding on the blood glucose condition.
7. Creatine level: using a urine sample, one can measure the amount of creatine present in the body. Creatine level is one of the parameters in the estimation of glomerular sedimentation rate (GFR).
8. Calcium: calcium is a vital mineral for so many purpose in the body. This test is ordered for during cancer, kidney disease, bone disorder, thyroid disease, parathyroid disease among others. There are two types of test for calcium. Total calcium test measure the level of free and unbound calcium in the blood and the ionise calcium test measure only free metabolically active form.
9. Phosphorus: this is like a follow-up to abnormal calcium level test or other health condition. Urine test measure the level of phosphorus in the urine while blood test measure the level in the blood.
10. Uric acid: uric acid is present in the joint of people suffering from gout disease. It is use in the diagnosis of gout and kidney stone disease. A blood sample or a urine sample is analyse for the presence of uric acid.
11. Cholesterol: cholesterol is a risk factor to most heart disease. High or very high density lipoprotein is desirable while low or very low density lipoprotein is not. So also is low level triglycerides a good indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Values out of the normal range detected by a blood test should be watched out for.
12. Two hours post prandial blood sugar (2HPP): this is nothing more than a normal blood sugar level test. The only difference is that the test is done exactly two hours after a full meal.
13. Glycated haemoglobin: glucose bond with RBC in the blood which is known as glycated haemoglobin (HbA/C). An average lifespan of a RBC is 3 months. A blood test measures the number of RBC bound to glucose and gives a rough estimate of the glucose levels over three months period.
2. Malaria parasite: this is use to identify malaria parasite specie and the quantity. A blood sample is stained with a dye and placed under a microscope. The presence of malaria parasite specie is seen under the microscope and the number seen is counted.
3. Urinalysis: a single test to diagnose a wide range of condition. It is use to diagnose diabetes, pregnancy, kidney disease, urinary tract infection and pregnancy. A urine sample us drawn. The time depends on the actual condition that warrant the test. The three things that are looked out for is the concentration, appearance and content.
4. Eliza/xyz: Elisa is an enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay use to detect the presence of viruses. It is the first test done before others are order to confirm the type and specie. It is use for Lyme disease, syphilis, variecalla-zoster virus, zika, rotavirus, etc. A blood test is use for this mixed with the enzyme and the resulting reaction confirm the presence of the virus.
5. Urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity (M/C/S): this is a specific form of urinalysis. It test for the presence of microbes using microscope, identify them, grow them in a culture media and test each identified organisms with different drugs to see which is more effective against the microbes. The test uses urine sample at anytime of the day.
6. Stool m/c/s: the sample is the stool and same process with urine m/c/s.
7. Rapid sputum m/c/s: also called nucleic acid amplification test, this test culture the sputum for any bacteria and identify the organism using microscope. The resulting growth is tested for sensitivity.
7. Blood culture and sensitivity: the sample is blood and same process as urine m/c/s.
8. Typhoid check: this test is use to confirm the presence of typhoid. A sample of the blood from bone marrow is culture and the growth check under a microscope for the presence of the typhoid specie.
9. HBS AG (hepatitis b surface antigen): is a form of blood test that detect the presence of hepatitis b virus called surface antigen.
10. VDRL (veneral disease research laboratory): is a blood test for the detection of syphilis causing organism. This test is more sensitive for the detection of syphilis causing organism than other tests use for diagnosis. The antigen is an extract of ox heart containing diphosphatidyl glycerol is highly sensitive to syphilis causing organism.
11. RPR (rapid plasma resin): use same antigen with VDRL. It bounds with several other molecules including a carbon particle to allow visualization of flocculation reaction with mcs.
12. Seminal fluid analysis: this is the analysis of the semen. The test sample is observe under a microscope for information such as quantity of the semen and sperm, motility, morphology and pH level of the semen.
13. Seminal fluid analysis m/c/s: test for the presence of infectious organism using microscope and the resulting organism culture before sensitivity is done to know the best medical agent suitable for it.
14. Sputum for AFB smear/Zn stain: known as acid fast bacillus stain or tuberculosis smear is a sputum stain for mycobacterium. The test is perform on a sample of sputum or phlegm using microscope after staining with the required dye. To increase result, it is culture.
15. Stool microscopy: is a diagnostic test for the identification of parasitic organisms including protozoa, helminth and other organisms of clinical importance. The stool sample is cultured before viewing under a microscope. This test is useful during diarrhea.
16. Blood for AFB test: is a diagnostic test using blood samples to test for the presence of mycobacterium or related aerobic actinomycetes.
17. Ulcer test: this is the test to detect the presence of haemophilia pylori in the blood. A sample of the blood is measure for antibody protein for h. Pylori.
18. Chlamydia test: also know as nucleic acid application test, DNA probe, and chlamydia/GS and panel. A swab from the vagina or penis or the use of urine is use to get a sample of organism DNA or RNA. A probe that targets the bacteria nucleic acid sequence is design and attach to it. The probe makes it easy for multiplication of the DNA or RNA of the bacteria using a series of repeated chemical reaction. The resultant copies is easily identified. The bacteria is grown in a culture, direct florescent antibody (DFA) stain test for antigen with the tagged antibody.
19. Microfilaria: microfilaria is a work that is detected in the blood under a microscope. A better approach is to identify the organism by identifying the antifilaria hgG4 in the blood using routine assay. Alternative is to use interferon gamma release (IGR) assay skin snip test. This process involves removal of some skin from an inflamed area, placing the skin snip into saline to encourage microfilaria to leave the skin and microscope examination to determine microfilaria load. Test also works well for fungal. The special is culture for further assay.
20. Trypanosoma: blood sample observe under microscope.
21. Schistosome: is identified in stool or urine. Antischistosomal antibody identification needed some times.
22. High vagina swab m/c/s: a sample is obtain from a swab gotten from the discharge of the vagina. The swab is cultured and grown before identifying the specie. The identity is done by the use of a microscope. A sensitivity test is perform to know that best drug of choice. So many bacteria infection can be detected by this method. They include candidiasis, bacteria vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, etc.
23. Ear: Same as above
24. Urethra: sane as above
25. Mantoux/heat: is also known as tuberculin skin test (TST). This is a test for the detection of tuberculosis. It is perform when there is symptoms if tuberculosis. It involve injecting tuberculin into a fold of the skin and observing the spot for any reaction after some days.
2. Hemoglobin genotype (hb genotype): a test that determine if a person have abnormal haemoglobin abnormalities which normally cause blood disorder. There are many types but very few have clinical significance. The three most significant one are the SS, AS and AA.
3. Packed cell volume (PVC): this is used to estimate the percentage of red blood cell (RBC) in the body. It measures the quantity of all the blood cells and compares with RBC. The blood sample is collected and a special centrifuge is used to separate them from each other before measurement.
4. Full blood count (FBC) or complete blood count (CBC): this test can help to diagnose a wide range of condition. Values different from the normal range help to identify disease condition that may require treatment. A blood sample is drawn and the blood cells separated. Each blood cell type is counted. The types include red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.
5. Haemoglobin (Hb): is a blood test that measures the quantity of haemoglobin (RBC) in the body. A lower value indicates different types of condition such as malaria parasite presence.
6. White blood cell count (WBC): also know as leukocytes, a blood sample obtain is prepared and WBC separated. The resulting number per volume is estimated. A value below or above normal range help to indicate the presence of an infection or autoimmune disease.
7. Differential WBC: as a way to determine the exact number of the different types of wbc. The difference in value from the normal range for each of the cell types can help diagnose some medical condition. The teat can also detect immature or abnormal cells. Wbc include neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophiles and basophils.
8. Red blood cell count (erythrocyte): a way of counting the number of RBC in the body. The number outside the normal range gives an idea about some disease condition.
9. Haematocrit: is a blood test that compares the number of RBC in the total blood volume with other blood cells.
10. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): is a measure of the rate at which RBC settles at the bottom of a test tube that contains a blood sample. It is use to indicate the possibility of an infection. The higher the rate, the higher the possibility of an immune response due to infection such as arthritis.
2. Rheumatoid factor: a group of blood test that measure the amount of rheumathoid factor in the blood. Rheumathoid factor are protein in the immune system that can attack healthy tissue in your body which is known as autoimmune disease.
2. Barium enema analyse the large intestine and rectum same way as barium meal but this time the barium is inserted into the rectum.
3. Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG): is also know as voiding cystourethrogram directs a series of x-ray through a child's body over a period of time while emptying urine. Before the test, a thin tube called catheter is use to introduce a contrast dye into the bladder by passing it through the urethra. The resulting images are combines to form a unique image by a special machine. This test helps to identify blocked urine or when the urine goes to a different direction (vesicourectal reflux and posterior urethra valves).
4. Mammogram: breast x-ray.
5. Retrograde urethrogram (RUGG): is a form of x-ray whereby a catheter is gently inserted through the urethra to deliver a contrast dye before taking the x-ray. The x-ray is important to detect trauma or blockage in the urethra.
6. Fistulogram and sonogram: fistulogram x-ray view the fistula using fluoroscopy and a barium based contrast material to produce images of abnormal passage. On the other hand, sonogram is same procedure as fistulogram. It involves injecting the contrast material into sinus and x-ray images taken.
7. Cystography: is the analysis of the bladder using x-ray images. A catheter is inserted into the bladder and a contrast material injected into it before x-ray images.
8. Digital mammography (full field): a form of mammogram that relies on solid state detectors that convert x-ray into electrical signals like digital cells.
9. Hysterosalpingography (HSG): is a way of identifying the cause of infertility in women. A thin tube called catheter is inserted through the cervix to the uterus and a contrast material is injected into it. The x-ray image capture the uterus and fallopian tube and any abnormal shape is recorded and analyse.
10. Intravenous urography (pyelogram): is a cancer test for the kidney, uterus and bladder. An iodinated contrast material is injected into the veins. As the material goes through the kidney down the ureter and bladder, the x-ray image capture them and expose tumour areas.
1. Prostate: scan shows up changes in prostrate including abnormal growth.
2. Breast: a gel is applied to the surface before the scan to enhance the image quality. Other test for breast are magnetic resonance and CESM.
3. Abdominal: same as above
4. Pelvic: same as above
5. Obstetrics: same as above
6. Folliculometry (transvaginal sonography approach): the monitoring of the growth of follicles in the ovary from the 9th to 20th of the menstrual cycle (for 28 days cycle).
7. Biophysical profile: fetal heart rate and fetal ultrasound monitor to evaluate a baby's heart function such as heart rate, breathing, movement, muscle tone, etc.
8. Doppler: a scan that measures the amount of blood flow through arteries and veins in the leg and hands.
9. Cardiotography (CTG): is to record fetal heart beat and uterine contractions during pregnancy.
10. Cranial sonography (transfontantanelier): analysis of the neurological status of the child using neuroimaging.
Read Also: How to get treatment in a hospital
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List Of Laboratory And Diagnostic Test
This list is long but focus more on the available test in Nigeria. It is not in any order. The list will be updated as time goes on.Read Also: laboratory test encounter by retail or community pharmacy
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Laboratory |
2. Fasting blood sugar (FBS): a blood test for the detection of sugar in the blood and quantity after fasting or at least 8 hours from last meal. The blood is added to a machine that gives the reading.
3. Random blood sugar (RBS): a blood test for the detection of sugar in the blood and quantity at anytime without recourse to food. Same process as above.
4. Electrolyte and urea: it is a way of assessing kidney function. Since the kidney remove waste product from the body, an increase in the value of waste product in the body indicate kidney disease or damage. A blood test taken to the laboratory investigate the key waste product and a higher than normal amount is enough indication.
5. Glomerular filtration rate: is a means of assessing how well the kidney is working by measuring the rate of blood filtered through the kidney. It is done by injecting a tracer into the vein that travels to the kidney. Three blood sample are taken and the amount of tracer in each sample is measured to estimate the number of tracer and blood that got filtered through the kidney. Lower rate indicate kidney problem.
6. Oral glucose tolerance: a good way to assess the blood glucose levels in pregnant women. The patient is given a dose of glucose after first testing the blood glucose level. A series of blood test is carried out after every 30 minute for about 4 times before concluding on the blood glucose condition.
7. Creatine level: using a urine sample, one can measure the amount of creatine present in the body. Creatine level is one of the parameters in the estimation of glomerular sedimentation rate (GFR).
8. Calcium: calcium is a vital mineral for so many purpose in the body. This test is ordered for during cancer, kidney disease, bone disorder, thyroid disease, parathyroid disease among others. There are two types of test for calcium. Total calcium test measure the level of free and unbound calcium in the blood and the ionise calcium test measure only free metabolically active form.
9. Phosphorus: this is like a follow-up to abnormal calcium level test or other health condition. Urine test measure the level of phosphorus in the urine while blood test measure the level in the blood.
10. Uric acid: uric acid is present in the joint of people suffering from gout disease. It is use in the diagnosis of gout and kidney stone disease. A blood sample or a urine sample is analyse for the presence of uric acid.
11. Cholesterol: cholesterol is a risk factor to most heart disease. High or very high density lipoprotein is desirable while low or very low density lipoprotein is not. So also is low level triglycerides a good indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Values out of the normal range detected by a blood test should be watched out for.
12. Two hours post prandial blood sugar (2HPP): this is nothing more than a normal blood sugar level test. The only difference is that the test is done exactly two hours after a full meal.
13. Glycated haemoglobin: glucose bond with RBC in the blood which is known as glycated haemoglobin (HbA/C). An average lifespan of a RBC is 3 months. A blood test measures the number of RBC bound to glucose and gives a rough estimate of the glucose levels over three months period.
1. Widal: this test is used for identification of typhoid causing organism called staphylococcus typhi. A blood sample is drawn and a serial dilution made. The s. typhi antigen is added to each of the dilution and a reaction for each of the dilution is noted. The test detects the presence of agglutinating antibodies against the O and H antigen of s. typhi. The lowest dilution with agglutination is recorded as the value of degree of infection.2. Malaria parasite: this is use to identify malaria parasite specie and the quantity. A blood sample is stained with a dye and placed under a microscope. The presence of malaria parasite specie is seen under the microscope and the number seen is counted.
3. Urinalysis: a single test to diagnose a wide range of condition. It is use to diagnose diabetes, pregnancy, kidney disease, urinary tract infection and pregnancy. A urine sample us drawn. The time depends on the actual condition that warrant the test. The three things that are looked out for is the concentration, appearance and content.
4. Eliza/xyz: Elisa is an enzyme linked-immunosorbent assay use to detect the presence of viruses. It is the first test done before others are order to confirm the type and specie. It is use for Lyme disease, syphilis, variecalla-zoster virus, zika, rotavirus, etc. A blood test is use for this mixed with the enzyme and the resulting reaction confirm the presence of the virus.
5. Urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity (M/C/S): this is a specific form of urinalysis. It test for the presence of microbes using microscope, identify them, grow them in a culture media and test each identified organisms with different drugs to see which is more effective against the microbes. The test uses urine sample at anytime of the day.
6. Stool m/c/s: the sample is the stool and same process with urine m/c/s.
7. Rapid sputum m/c/s: also called nucleic acid amplification test, this test culture the sputum for any bacteria and identify the organism using microscope. The resulting growth is tested for sensitivity.
7. Blood culture and sensitivity: the sample is blood and same process as urine m/c/s.
8. Typhoid check: this test is use to confirm the presence of typhoid. A sample of the blood from bone marrow is culture and the growth check under a microscope for the presence of the typhoid specie.
9. HBS AG (hepatitis b surface antigen): is a form of blood test that detect the presence of hepatitis b virus called surface antigen.
10. VDRL (veneral disease research laboratory): is a blood test for the detection of syphilis causing organism. This test is more sensitive for the detection of syphilis causing organism than other tests use for diagnosis. The antigen is an extract of ox heart containing diphosphatidyl glycerol is highly sensitive to syphilis causing organism.
11. RPR (rapid plasma resin): use same antigen with VDRL. It bounds with several other molecules including a carbon particle to allow visualization of flocculation reaction with mcs.
12. Seminal fluid analysis: this is the analysis of the semen. The test sample is observe under a microscope for information such as quantity of the semen and sperm, motility, morphology and pH level of the semen.
13. Seminal fluid analysis m/c/s: test for the presence of infectious organism using microscope and the resulting organism culture before sensitivity is done to know the best medical agent suitable for it.
14. Sputum for AFB smear/Zn stain: known as acid fast bacillus stain or tuberculosis smear is a sputum stain for mycobacterium. The test is perform on a sample of sputum or phlegm using microscope after staining with the required dye. To increase result, it is culture.
15. Stool microscopy: is a diagnostic test for the identification of parasitic organisms including protozoa, helminth and other organisms of clinical importance. The stool sample is cultured before viewing under a microscope. This test is useful during diarrhea.
16. Blood for AFB test: is a diagnostic test using blood samples to test for the presence of mycobacterium or related aerobic actinomycetes.
17. Ulcer test: this is the test to detect the presence of haemophilia pylori in the blood. A sample of the blood is measure for antibody protein for h. Pylori.
18. Chlamydia test: also know as nucleic acid application test, DNA probe, and chlamydia/GS and panel. A swab from the vagina or penis or the use of urine is use to get a sample of organism DNA or RNA. A probe that targets the bacteria nucleic acid sequence is design and attach to it. The probe makes it easy for multiplication of the DNA or RNA of the bacteria using a series of repeated chemical reaction. The resultant copies is easily identified. The bacteria is grown in a culture, direct florescent antibody (DFA) stain test for antigen with the tagged antibody.
19. Microfilaria: microfilaria is a work that is detected in the blood under a microscope. A better approach is to identify the organism by identifying the antifilaria hgG4 in the blood using routine assay. Alternative is to use interferon gamma release (IGR) assay skin snip test. This process involves removal of some skin from an inflamed area, placing the skin snip into saline to encourage microfilaria to leave the skin and microscope examination to determine microfilaria load. Test also works well for fungal. The special is culture for further assay.
20. Trypanosoma: blood sample observe under microscope.
21. Schistosome: is identified in stool or urine. Antischistosomal antibody identification needed some times.
22. High vagina swab m/c/s: a sample is obtain from a swab gotten from the discharge of the vagina. The swab is cultured and grown before identifying the specie. The identity is done by the use of a microscope. A sensitivity test is perform to know that best drug of choice. So many bacteria infection can be detected by this method. They include candidiasis, bacteria vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, etc.
23. Ear: Same as above
24. Urethra: sane as above
25. Mantoux/heat: is also known as tuberculin skin test (TST). This is a test for the detection of tuberculosis. It is perform when there is symptoms if tuberculosis. It involve injecting tuberculin into a fold of the skin and observing the spot for any reaction after some days.
1. Blood group (ABO typing): this test is use to verify the blood group an individual belongs to. It is simple to carry out. A blood sample us mixed with antibodies A and B. If the blood clot or stick together in one or vice, the blood group can be detected.2. Hemoglobin genotype (hb genotype): a test that determine if a person have abnormal haemoglobin abnormalities which normally cause blood disorder. There are many types but very few have clinical significance. The three most significant one are the SS, AS and AA.
3. Packed cell volume (PVC): this is used to estimate the percentage of red blood cell (RBC) in the body. It measures the quantity of all the blood cells and compares with RBC. The blood sample is collected and a special centrifuge is used to separate them from each other before measurement.
4. Full blood count (FBC) or complete blood count (CBC): this test can help to diagnose a wide range of condition. Values different from the normal range help to identify disease condition that may require treatment. A blood sample is drawn and the blood cells separated. Each blood cell type is counted. The types include red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.
5. Haemoglobin (Hb): is a blood test that measures the quantity of haemoglobin (RBC) in the body. A lower value indicates different types of condition such as malaria parasite presence.
6. White blood cell count (WBC): also know as leukocytes, a blood sample obtain is prepared and WBC separated. The resulting number per volume is estimated. A value below or above normal range help to indicate the presence of an infection or autoimmune disease.
7. Differential WBC: as a way to determine the exact number of the different types of wbc. The difference in value from the normal range for each of the cell types can help diagnose some medical condition. The teat can also detect immature or abnormal cells. Wbc include neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophiles and basophils.
8. Red blood cell count (erythrocyte): a way of counting the number of RBC in the body. The number outside the normal range gives an idea about some disease condition.
9. Haematocrit: is a blood test that compares the number of RBC in the total blood volume with other blood cells.
10. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): is a measure of the rate at which RBC settles at the bottom of a test tube that contains a blood sample. It is use to indicate the possibility of an infection. The higher the rate, the higher the possibility of an immune response due to infection such as arthritis.
1. Blood for Australia antigen: this is a test that uses a specific antigen to diagnose hepatitis b virus in the blood. The blood sample is mixed with the antigen and the reaction is observed using a microscope.2. Rheumatoid factor: a group of blood test that measure the amount of rheumathoid factor in the blood. Rheumathoid factor are protein in the immune system that can attack healthy tissue in your body which is known as autoimmune disease.
Digital x-ray
1. Barium meal and follow through: are group of test done on the gastrointestinal tract to check for the growth of cancer cells except the large intestine and rectum. Barium is swallowed by the patient and the X-ray of the GIT is taken a number of time within 1-4 hours.2. Barium enema analyse the large intestine and rectum same way as barium meal but this time the barium is inserted into the rectum.
3. Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG): is also know as voiding cystourethrogram directs a series of x-ray through a child's body over a period of time while emptying urine. Before the test, a thin tube called catheter is use to introduce a contrast dye into the bladder by passing it through the urethra. The resulting images are combines to form a unique image by a special machine. This test helps to identify blocked urine or when the urine goes to a different direction (vesicourectal reflux and posterior urethra valves).
4. Mammogram: breast x-ray.
5. Retrograde urethrogram (RUGG): is a form of x-ray whereby a catheter is gently inserted through the urethra to deliver a contrast dye before taking the x-ray. The x-ray is important to detect trauma or blockage in the urethra.
6. Fistulogram and sonogram: fistulogram x-ray view the fistula using fluoroscopy and a barium based contrast material to produce images of abnormal passage. On the other hand, sonogram is same procedure as fistulogram. It involves injecting the contrast material into sinus and x-ray images taken.
7. Cystography: is the analysis of the bladder using x-ray images. A catheter is inserted into the bladder and a contrast material injected into it before x-ray images.
8. Digital mammography (full field): a form of mammogram that relies on solid state detectors that convert x-ray into electrical signals like digital cells.
9. Hysterosalpingography (HSG): is a way of identifying the cause of infertility in women. A thin tube called catheter is inserted through the cervix to the uterus and a contrast material is injected into it. The x-ray image capture the uterus and fallopian tube and any abnormal shape is recorded and analyse.
10. Intravenous urography (pyelogram): is a cancer test for the kidney, uterus and bladder. An iodinated contrast material is injected into the veins. As the material goes through the kidney down the ureter and bladder, the x-ray image capture them and expose tumour areas.
Digital Ultrasound
The use of high frequency waves to create images of a part of the body.1. Prostate: scan shows up changes in prostrate including abnormal growth.
2. Breast: a gel is applied to the surface before the scan to enhance the image quality. Other test for breast are magnetic resonance and CESM.
3. Abdominal: same as above
4. Pelvic: same as above
5. Obstetrics: same as above
6. Folliculometry (transvaginal sonography approach): the monitoring of the growth of follicles in the ovary from the 9th to 20th of the menstrual cycle (for 28 days cycle).
7. Biophysical profile: fetal heart rate and fetal ultrasound monitor to evaluate a baby's heart function such as heart rate, breathing, movement, muscle tone, etc.
8. Doppler: a scan that measures the amount of blood flow through arteries and veins in the leg and hands.
9. Cardiotography (CTG): is to record fetal heart beat and uterine contractions during pregnancy.
10. Cranial sonography (transfontantanelier): analysis of the neurological status of the child using neuroimaging.
Read Also: How to get treatment in a hospital
Hormonal Assay
For both male and female, reproductive health involve having right amount of hormone in the body at a particular time and period. There are various test use in identifying potential problem. Too high or too low values indicate a health condition that may require lifestyle modifications and drugs. Example are prolactin, testoterone for male while follicle stimulating hormone, leutinizing hormone, etc for women.Echocardiography
The use of sound to take pictures of the heart for both adults and children.Electrocardiography
The use of electrical voltage placed in the heart using electrode to record electrical activity of the heart.Electroencaphalopathy
The use of electrical voltage placed in the head using electrodes to record electrical activity of the brain.Share On Social Media With Family And Friends To Show You Care!
Great article. You did well listing these medical tests
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