Is Lipton Tea Good For Ulcer Patient

Lipton tea is the most popular tea due to the magnanimity of a Scottish born entrepreneur, Sir Thomas Lipton in 1880, who made it affordable and available to all in the world. Before this time, lipton tea was the exclusive beverage of the rich.

Lipton tea effects on ulcer patient
Lipton tea

Ulcer is a sore in the lining of the stomach or intestine. It is treated with antibiotics and antacid. Certain food and smoking make ulcer symptoms worse.

Effects of lipton tea on ulcers is under review today.

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Is Lipton Tea Good For Ulcer

The major active ingredient of lipton tea is caffeine which is an alkaloid. A study had shown an increase in gastric HCL in taking Lipton tea and the increase was sequentially tallied with increase in the duration of intake of Lipton tea.

The implications are that tea drinking can induce gastric ulcers. Increased HCL will induce depletion of parietal cells on continuous stimulation and usage. Reduced parietal cells will lead to achlorhydria which is lack of acid secretion with the resultant effect of impaired protein metabolism.

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Some people add milk and sugar to their lipton tea. Sugar and milk trigger ulcer pain. Adding them to lipton tea increase the ulcer effects.

Lipton tea drinking should be minimal as increased intake results in high HCL and gastrin particularly the latter which has great tendency of inducing high HCL and subsequent liability to peptic ulcer.


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