Difference Between Super Apeti And Super Apeti Plus

Super apeti and super apeti plus are drug different in many ways. They are used for the symptomatic treatment of acute or chronic allergic manifestations. It is also suitable for the pruritic dermatological conditions. They are made by shalina healthcare.

Difference between super apeti and super apeti plus tablet and syrup
Super apeti and super apeti plus

Difference Between Super Apeti And Super Apeti Plus

1. Super apeti is a tablet. However, super apeti plus come in tablet and syrup.

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2. Super apeti contains 4 mg of cyproheptadine hydrochloride. On the other hand, Super Apeti Plus tablets contain 4mg Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride and Vitamin B Complex. The Super Apeti Plus Syrup has in 5 ml of the syrup 4 mg Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride, Lysine Hydrochloride and Vitamin B Complex.

3. Both the super apeti tablet and the super apeti plus tablet come in a pack of two sachets containing 10 tablets. However, super apeti plus syrup comes in 200 ml.


  1. So how to remove that hypro.. hydroxide in the body?

  2. Anonymous28 May, 2023

    No meaning
    You just confused mtcceewww


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