How To Manage Baby Acid Reflux

How to manage baby acid reflux
Baby acid reflux

Acid reflux occurs when food moves back out from the baby's stomach. It is also called gastroesophageal reflux. The result is spit that is called different names by different tribes.

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It is considered normal by many tribes in Nigeria hence they downplay it. I remember a folktale my parents told me when I was young. To summarise it, a lady went into the room of her husband's other wife to steal yam. When the other wife came back and could not find the yam, a month old infant told the mother who stole the yam. This got the creator infuriated and he blended a piece of cooked white yam and gave the child to eat. Whenever the child wants to talk, the yam comes out as spit. This will continue until all the yam is out and the child can now talk.

As funny as it sounds, it was logical to us children then. So when we see a child experiencing acid reflux, we just laugh and move on. However, if we had known better, we could have known what to do when it happened. But it is rarely serious. There are things that can be done to reduce the effect.

Causes Of Baby Acid Reflux

1. Food intolerance

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease

4. Lying down almost all the time

5. Extreme liquid diet

6. Premature babies

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Management Of Baby Acid Reflux

1. Give smaller frequent meals

2. Interrupt feeding to burp the baby

3. Feed baby in upright position

4. Hold baby for 20-30 minutes after feeding

5. Alternative diet

6. Avoid baby swallowing air

7. Baby should be made to lie on back most times that stomach

8. Give semi solid food


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