Guidelines On Ideal Storage Condition Of Drugs According To Label
Each drug have an expiration date. It is believe to remain stable, effective and active throughout its shelf life under certain conditions. These conditions include the amount of air, light, temperature, humidity, light and heat the product is expose to in the course of transport and storage. Each product have a definite approve condition that can be different from others.
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Drug manufacturers label their products to indicate which of these conditions must be met before a drug can remain stable until the day of expiration. They educate wholesalers on the best condition to transport and store these products. On the other hand, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and patients must do well to understand the meaning of each label.
In all, it is important we all know the meaning of each label. When temperature of a product is not stated (in terms of range) on the labels of the product, the following definition should be use;
1. When a label says store in freezer, it means that the drug should be store in a freezer that the temperature is controlled between -25°c and -10°c. To achieve this, the product must be in a working freezer compartment.
2. When the label says store at 2-8°c or in a refrigerator, it means that the product should be stored in a refrigerator where the temperature is between 2°c to 8°c. Products in these categories should be place in the fridge compartment.
3. When the label says 'cold place,' the product the temperature should not exceed 8°c.
4. Some come with the label 'keep cool.' It means that the temperature should be between 8°c to 15°c. An air conditioning in the room is appropriate for this.
5. The word ambient temperature is sometimes use to mean room temperature. Room temperature is between 15°c to 25 and ambient temperature is 15°c to 30°c. A good fan should be able to regulate the temperature of the room to achieve this. The fan should be placed close to the windows to bring in fresh air. When the fan blade backed the window, it channel fresh air from outside into the room.
6. Label with the instruction to store below 25 or 30°c means the product should be in a place the temperature is less than 25°c or 30°c respectively but not to be refrigerated.
7. Warm means the temperature should be between 30°c to 40°c.
8. Excessive heat means the temperature is above 40°c
9. When you see 'do not store above 30°c' means that the temperature the product is stored should be between 2°c and 30°c.
10. The label 'do not store above 25°c' means that the product should be stored in a place the temperature is between 2°c to 25°c.
11. 'Do not store over 15°c' means the product should be stored in temperature between 2°c to 15°c.
12. 'Do not store over 8°c' means the product should be stored in an area between 2°c to 8°c.
13. When the label says 'do not store below 8°c,' what it means is that the product should be stored above 8°c and below 15°c.
An upright freezer is better than a vertical freezer as it retains most of its temperature if opened unlike a vertical freezer that looses most of its temperature when opened. This is because cool air sinks to the ground while hot air rises. Also, the bottom of the vertical freezer is cooler than the top.
To monitor the temperature, install thermometer in the fridge and the room. Check the reading every 12 hours. If the room is big, install more than one thermometer.
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Drug manufacturers label their products to indicate which of these conditions must be met before a drug can remain stable until the day of expiration. They educate wholesalers on the best condition to transport and store these products. On the other hand, community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy and patients must do well to understand the meaning of each label.
Some drugs comes with different label indicating the idea storage condition. Some come with two temperature requirement. One temperature is before opening while the second one is after opening. Insulin and many children antibiotic are perfect examples. Insulin remain potent in 28-30 days at room temperature. To prolong its shelf life, it is stored in temperature between 2-8°c. Also, many children antibiotic are best stored in the fridge after opening and must be use within some days.In all, it is important we all know the meaning of each label. When temperature of a product is not stated (in terms of range) on the labels of the product, the following definition should be use;
1. When a label says store in freezer, it means that the drug should be store in a freezer that the temperature is controlled between -25°c and -10°c. To achieve this, the product must be in a working freezer compartment.
2. When the label says store at 2-8°c or in a refrigerator, it means that the product should be stored in a refrigerator where the temperature is between 2°c to 8°c. Products in these categories should be place in the fridge compartment.
3. When the label says 'cold place,' the product the temperature should not exceed 8°c.
4. Some come with the label 'keep cool.' It means that the temperature should be between 8°c to 15°c. An air conditioning in the room is appropriate for this.
5. The word ambient temperature is sometimes use to mean room temperature. Room temperature is between 15°c to 25 and ambient temperature is 15°c to 30°c. A good fan should be able to regulate the temperature of the room to achieve this. The fan should be placed close to the windows to bring in fresh air. When the fan blade backed the window, it channel fresh air from outside into the room.
6. Label with the instruction to store below 25 or 30°c means the product should be in a place the temperature is less than 25°c or 30°c respectively but not to be refrigerated.
7. Warm means the temperature should be between 30°c to 40°c.
8. Excessive heat means the temperature is above 40°c
9. When you see 'do not store above 30°c' means that the temperature the product is stored should be between 2°c and 30°c.
10. The label 'do not store above 25°c' means that the product should be stored in a place the temperature is between 2°c to 25°c.
11. 'Do not store over 15°c' means the product should be stored in temperature between 2°c to 15°c.
12. 'Do not store over 8°c' means the product should be stored in an area between 2°c to 8°c.
13. When the label says 'do not store below 8°c,' what it means is that the product should be stored above 8°c and below 15°c.
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Vertical fridge |
To monitor the temperature, install thermometer in the fridge and the room. Check the reading every 12 hours. If the room is big, install more than one thermometer.
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When the humidity of a place some pharmaceutical products are kept exceed a particular per cent, it degrades and loss it's potency and stability. When a product comes with the label 'protect from moisture,' keep that product in a place below 65% humidity. To achieve the right humidity, install standing fans in case if small room and ceiling fans for large stores. Place the fan close to the windows so that fresh air from inside can enter. Close all products properly to avoid air entering each content. Always open windows and if possible increase the number of windows.Light
Some drugs are photosensitive. Examples are many vitamin, furosemide, chlorpheniramine armies maleate, hydrocortisone, latex products, etc. Keep them in a carton or a shelf that is very dark or in an amber container.Heat
Most products that come with the label protect from light will also ask for protection from heat. This is because light and temperature generate heat. However, there are other things that can generate heat apart from light.Share On Social Media With Family And Friends To Show You Care!
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