The Pharmacists Oath For Pharmacy Students In Nigeria And Its Meaning

Pharmacists Oath In Nigeria
Pharmacists Oath In Nigeria
Pharmacists’ oath or the oath of pharmacists is vow administered to graduates on the day of induction into the profession. These oaths is read by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (P.C.N) Registrar while the pharmacy students being inducted stand on their feet with right hands raised up to recite the oath.
The American Pharmaceutical Association (now American Pharmacists Association) adopted it in the year 1991. The first sets of pharmacists to be inducted in year 1988 were students of  at Ahmadu Bello University, (A.B.U), Zaria. However, the code focuses more on the patient. They guide the pharmacists on the pharmacist-patient relationship, with other health care providers, and the society in general.

Each paragraph on the oath has various meaning to the pharmacist. They are all moral codes oath ethics, which is required from the time of practice, which normally starts after induction into the profession.

Let us see this oath of pharmacists.

Pharmacists Oath

“I have come to recognize and accept my role as a Pharmacist. I therefore solemnly and truthfully pledge MYSELF to devote my life to the service of mankind.
I do pledge to serve directly or indirectly in the team for Health Care delivery.
I will perform my services and duties with devotion, dignity, discretion, and honour.
My colleagues will surely be respected for their opinion and I will feel free in consultation with them.
However, I do consider the health of the patient or patrons above all and will abstain from whatever may be deleterious to the health.
I will also keep in confidence whatever information which directly or indirectly I may have through my professional service concerning the life and health of people.
I will sustain my respect for human life at all stages.
I will not use my knowledge of drugs, diseases, and medicine contrary to the laws of humanity.
I will provide such facilities and environment, which will enhance the desirable growth of my service.
I will indeed refrain from self-advertisement.
It is with solemnity and honour that I freely and publicly make these PLEDGES.
So help me GOD.

Meaning Of The Oath Of Pharmacist 

Paragraph one:
The pharmacist was trained to serve humanity. Accepting this means accepting this means acknowledging the fact that you will help individuals in making the best use of their medications.
Paragraph two:
The good health of the patient is a collaborative effort of the health care team. Accepting this part indicates that you will work with colleagues and other healthcare providers for the betterment of the patient. This includes consultation with other colleagues or other healthcare providers or referral.
Paragraph three:
One of the moral obligations of pharmacists is to pay back the trust bestowed on them is to help a patient achieve optimum benefits from their medications, to be committed to their welfare. This is done by protecting the dignity of the patient, with a caring attitude and a compassionate spirit. All these in a private and confidential manner.

Paragraph four:
To respect fellow colleagues in their opinions.
Paragraph five:
Simply put, patients’ well-being first, pharmacists second.
Paragraph six:
To ensure the confidentiality of patient information at all time.
Paragraph seven:
Respect for human life in any form including the unborn and people who seems not to be in line with what you may consider not human but recognized by the law as.
Paragraph eight:
To be law abiding with the knowledge gained from school and practice.
Paragraph nine:
Anything to do to promote the growth of the profession is welcome and any that discredit the profession is frown o. they are many.
Paragraph ten:
Self-promotion is bad.
Last paragraph:
This means that the oath was not taken out of compulsion or force. It was taken willingly and willingly will obey them. This is the first thing any court will look at in case of eventuality or when a court case is, involve that go against the pharmacist's oath.
Going against any of them may lead PCN to melt down appropriate punishment or legal action.
Once the students sign the oath form, he is no longer a pharmacy student but a Pharmacist. However, he is not yet a certified pharmacist, none registered with no licence. This will be explained in the future essay.
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