Overview, Advantage And Disadvantage Of Pharmaceutical Sublingual Tablet

Sublingual tablets generally do not have a coating and are designed so that they will dissolve when placed under the tongue. Substances diffuse into the blood through tissues under the tongue which is predominantly a mucous gland that produces a thick mucinous fluid and lubricates the oral cavity which allows for swallowing, initiating digestion, buffering pH, and dental hygiene. Sublingual tablet It involves placing the drug beneath the tongue, to be absorbed and dissolved into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. These drugs are in the form of tablets that dissolve, sprays, or films. Anatomical Structure Of The Oral Mucosa Oral mucosal drug absorption is governed by (a) the permeability of the oral mucous membrane and the anatomy of the underlying tissues, (b) the physicochemical properties of the drugs, and (c) the formulation design. Read Also : Advantage And Disadvantage Of Sublingual/Buccal Medication The oral cavity has four distinct regions that can absorb drugs-t...