Update Your Community Pharmacy Business On Google Map During Lockdown

There is hardly a community pharmacy out there that is in existence for more than six months not yet on Google map and other map services. The reason is that we all know the value. But there is something that trended in 2020. Covid-19 disrupted a lot of business. Although it did not affect community pharmacy that much, many things changed. In line with that, Google map introduced so many features. Unfortunately many community pharmacies don't know some of these new features and how it can help their customers and improve their visibility on Google maps.

How community pharmacy can update Google map during lockdown
Google map

Register With Google Map

Just registering your community pharmacy business on Google map is a step. But to make your business on the top of search results, there are many other things you need to do. The first thing is your business name.

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Updating Your Business Name

To start with Google map, you must add your business name. Make sure it is clear and simple. Place it in the location it is supposed to be. It is easy if your phone is calibrated. It searches for the location automatically. However, for people like us that have not been able to calibrate it, manually placing it in the right location is the only solution.

Updated pictures

If you have not done this before, please do it as soon as possible. This is the most important Google map update. I did not put in first because many community pharmacy businesses already have this.

When updating your picture, add as much as possible. Make sure the shop with the pharmacy name is visible and on the front page.take both the inside and outside. If you have the app that can allow your phone to take a 360° picture, use it to take the front of the shop.

The use of logos is not that very important but necessary. There is a place you can upload the logo of the business.

Why Update Business Operation Time

For years, very few community pharmacy businesses operated with the same routine. When covid-19 came, many community pharmacies introduced new business plans. This affected the services they render, how they render and when. Google map made it easy to update some of these changes.

Updating your business on Google maps helps Google to see that your business is active and the owner is following up. That is not all. It helps your customer to know what is new. For example, during the covid-19, many community pharmacy opening and closing times changed. Updating these information helps your customers not to pay a visit at the wrong time. If there is a change of time and your clients are not aware, they will go to another community pharmacy within and you could lose them for life.

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Updating them also helps draw new customers. Many customers may think that the business has closed for the period of the lockdown or curfew. However, with your business on Google map, they will know that you are open. This will help your business stand out among the rest that are dormant.

And do you know what? If you update your business plan in a Google map post, it is seen by many more. That information is more trusted than updating opening and closing time. During lockdown or curfew, the majority of people turn to Google for help as they know that not all community pharmacies will open or open at the normal time.


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