Difference Between Astyfer And Astymin (Haematinic And Multivitamins And Minerals)

Astymin syrup This post was written because I get a lot of question from people if they can use astyfer and astymin together. I try to answer the best way I can. Before we go ahead, it is important to explain this. Astyfer is a blood builder whereas astymin is a multivitamin. The reason we say astyfer is a blood builder is because it contains the necessary ingredients required for the increasing red blood cell (RBC) in the body. In additional to that, astyfer also have some vitamins. These where added to improve the efficiency of the RBC building capacity of those ingredients. That is why it is called haematinic. Astymin on the other hand contain multivitamin without those ingredients for increasing red blood cell in the body. Astymin is called a multivitamin. What Is Blood Blood is life. Without this liquid, there will be no life. Blood is made up of various components. Each of these components perform different functions and purposes. The main function of blood is oxygen circu...