Toothpaste And Onion For Bigger Butts

Toothpaste is a health and beauty product. It is used with a toothbrush and water for cleaning the teeth, gum and mouth. There are different brands.

Onions belong to the Allium family of plants, which also includes chives, garlic, and leeks. These vegetables have characteristic pungent flavors and some medicinal properties.

There is a push by females to increase their butt size. Different females have their reasons. For some, it is for beauty. For others, it is for intelligence. Let me explain. It is believed that girls with big butt and their children are more intelligent.

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And it is known that the butt holds omega 3 fatty acids. The bigger, the higher the quantity and the higher the intelligence. So their children have enough for developing more intelligent brains. So you get the reason now.

Using toothpaste and onion for big butts
Big butt

Does Toothpaste And Onion Cause Bigger Butt

To get this bigger butt, girls have to use different means. And they easily embrace any methods that seem to be very safe. So they fall for these little lies.

Looking at all the ingredients in toothpaste, there is nothing in it that can cause an increase in butt size. Toothpaste is essentially just a mix of alcohol, mint, fluoride, and detergents of different brands. However, the act of applying onion has some advantages. It is a good source of vitamin C. As a good source of vitamin C, onions may support the building and maintenance of collagen.

Not all forms of vitamin C can pass through your skin. In order for your skin to use vitamin C, it needs to be in a form called ascorbic acid. However, ascorbic acid is unstable and breaks down when exposed to heat, oxygen, or light. Also, ascorbic acid is acidic. Applying it to skin will cause skin irritation.

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Collagen provides structure to skin and hair. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It is the substance that holds the body together. Collagen forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure. Cosmetic lotions that claim to increase collagen levels are unlikely to do so, as collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin.

So the short answer is that applying toothpaste and onion extract to the butts won't increase its size. This is because there is nothing in toothpaste that can help increase butt size. The vitamin C in onion may not remain stable for long for it to be absorbed into the body. Besides, who knows what the chemicals in the toothpaste may have done to it.


  1. So what then increases the butt size?


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