Benefits Of Pharmacy Internship Programme To The Employer
Benefits of pharmacy internship Each year, more pharmacy students are inducted into the pharmacy profession. These new pharmacists must complete a one-year mandatory internship training in an accredited centre by the pharmacists' council of Nigeria (P.C.N). The number of accredited centres is enough to house the about 2000 new pharmacist yearly. However, the factors put into consideration by pupil pharmacists make some centres to have limited number of pupil pharmacist while other centres have a significant pool of applicants. Some of the factors include security, what to learn, salary structure etc. Read Also: How To Turn Pharmacy Internship Into A Full Time Employment Each year, the PCN accredit new training centres. However, the PCN have notice that many pharmaceutical establishments are adamant to accept pupil pharmacist. They do not know that the few organisations that do accept interns have some advantages. For that, this post will outline some of the numerous advanta...