
Showing posts from November, 2017

Benefits Of Pharmacy Internship Programme To The Employer

Benefits of pharmacy internship Each year, more pharmacy students are inducted into the pharmacy profession. These new pharmacists must complete a one-year mandatory internship training in an accredited centre by the pharmacists' council of Nigeria (P.C.N). The number of accredited centres is enough to house the about 2000 new pharmacist yearly. However, the factors put into consideration by pupil pharmacists make some centres to have limited number of pupil pharmacist while other centres have a significant pool of applicants. Some of the factors include security, what to learn, salary structure etc. Read Also:  How To Turn Pharmacy Internship Into A Full Time Employment Each year, the PCN accredit new training centres. However, the PCN have notice that many pharmaceutical establishments are adamant to accept pupil pharmacist. They do not know that the few organisations that do accept interns have some advantages. For that, this post will outline some of the numerous advanta...

Period Some Accredited Pharmacists Council Of Nigeria Internship Centers Release Form

One of the requirements to become a registered pharmacist in Nigeria is to undergo a statutory continuous internship training for not less than one year under a registered pharmacist approved by the council for the purpose of internship or in an institution approved for that purpose by the council and has obtained a certificate of experience. A point to note is that note every big pharmaceutical establishment has been approved. However, the list available in pharmacist council of Nigeria internship training programme book is not exhaustive. That means that over the years from the time of publication, other centres have been approved which have not been added. The last time the book was updated was in the year 2014. The list on this blog is gotten from PCNs’ website and was last updated 2015. Within that period until now, there must have been others. For example, the list omitted the latest company approved by the council in Delta state. Read Also:  How To Turn Pharmacy Internsh...

Benefits Of Coconut Water For Children

Coconut water If you are born and brought up in Nigeria, chances are that you were deprived of coconut water as a child. Not to worry, I was too. At a time, one begins to wonder the root of some of these myths. It is believed in Nigeria that the academic knowledge or intelligence of a child who drinks coconut water will begin to fall. For this, no child going to school must drink this water. Only graduates can drink of it. It becomes a taboo if the child even takes a sip during an examination. My guess is that the originator must be a Nigerian mom. She could consider the only way to enjoy this drink alone is to lie to her dear child who probably loves school to desist from it to continue performing well in class. Swallowing the new knowledge without asking, the child went to school to disseminate the newfound truth. The other students may have ignorantly told their own mom who at the same time bought the idea. Read Also:  Drug That Interact With Alcohol And Their Potential E...

Pharmacist Salary Guide In Nigeria

Payroll The two major things students consider in any career is the job prospect and salary. Passion is not actually part of career consideration. The job prospect is quite high. However, this post is about to cover the other aspect which is the salary structure for the pharmacist at different levels. The reason is that pharmacist are never unemployed. They can only be underpaid. A pharmacist can either work for another or be self-employed. Self-employed enjoy more money more than working for another person. The risk and time before talking about benefits can be daunting for those who venture into a self-employ path. Salary Of Pharmacist Self-Employed Pharmacist By self-employ, I mean a pharmacist that own his/her own business. The self-employed pharmacist may make money depending on several factors. For a standard pharmaceutical shop in a good location can boast of ₦200000 a week and this figure could go as high as ₦700000 plus. For a pharmaceutical shop that is not in a strat...

Alternative Career For Pharmacist In Nigeria

Almost every blog on career opportunities for pharmacist within and outside Nigeria always outline five. They are; Pharmacist in academia Community pharmacist Hospital pharmacist Industrial pharmacist Regulatory agency

University Of Port Harcourt Pharmacy, UNIPORT Programme

UNIPORT Logo The University of Port Harcourt (U.N.I.P.O.R.T) is a federal university in the city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The school was founded in the year 1975 with eleven faculties including pharmaceutical Science, which is the youngest.

Pharmacy Postgraduate Programme Entry Requirements In Nigeria

There is a post on this blog on how to become a pharmacist in Nigeria. The focus of that post was on how to get through the undergraduate degree in pharmacy before been awarded a pharmacy certificate. Recently on this same blog, a post on the different schools of pharmacy and the postgraduate programme they award was feature. On this blog post, emphasis will be on how to pursue a higher degree in pharmacy. However, before we begin to duel on that proper, let us take a little look at the undergraduate degree.

Consultation Service