How TO Get A Pharmacy License in Nigeria

It is not easy to get a pharmacy license in Nigeria. The license is the most important piece of paper for every pharmacist. It is issued every year after application and payment of the processing fee. It gives them the power to compound, distribute, sell drugs, and counsel patients in Nigeria. Only pharmacists can have it. Delsu pharmacist induction How To Get Pharmacy License In Nigeria You must have a Bachelor's or doctorate degree in pharmacy from a recognized institution. It begins with you getting the necessary o'level results which include English language, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology in not more than one sitting. Then get joint admission and matriculation (JAMB) form and fill the required courses which include physics, chemistry, biology and English language. If your jamb result is good then you can proceed to the school of your choice. Graduate and then get inducted into the profession to obtain provisional licence. Read Also: Pharmacy undergraduate c...