Pharmacotherapy/Treatment Of Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that causes an increase in blood sugar. It happens when the body's pancreas is unable to produce insulin or when the body cannot effectively utilise insulin it produces and releases. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. It is synthesized by the pancreas. Diabetes Glucose is the primary source of energy for the human body. Absorbed from the intestine it is metabolised by energy production (by conversion to water and carbon dioxide), conversion to amino acids and proteins or keto-acids stored as glycogen. Metabolism of glucose is regulated by complex orchestration of hormones activities. Dietary sugars are broken down into various carbohydrates. The most important is glucose, metabolised in nearly all body cells. Glucose enters the cell by facilitated diffusion (glucose transport proteins). This facilitated transport is stimulated very rapidly and effectively by an insulin signal (glucose transport into muscle and adipose cells is increased u...