How To Register A Community Pharmacy On Google Map
So many people search for businesses in their locality using maps. The most common search term on maps is so and so business near me. In Google maps, business relating to the search query comes on with distance and option on routes to get there. This method is a cheap and an easy method to get leads almost everyday. So how do a community pharmacy register their own physical shop on Google map? How To Register For Google Maps I have successfully registered two community pharmacies on Google maps. I have come to realise that there are two methods. Contributor Google acknowledges the valuable contribution of contributors to Google maps. These people add, edit or modify information on Google maps. Anybody can be a contributor. To add your community pharmacy to google map using contributor link, visit google map. It works with the app. So go ahead and download the Google map app if you have not already done so. Open your location setting. If you can calibrate your GPS, do so. I was unable t...