Best Way To Donn (Wearing) And Doff (Putting Off) PPE

Personal protective equipment Donning (wearing) and doffing (putting off) of personal protective equipment (PPE) is not the concern of many Nigerians. They are only concerned with how to use facemask. To them, that is the concern of front line staff fighting covid-19. That is true. However, it is not only the concern of front line staff in the fight against covid-19 that is used in hard hit countries. Community pharmacies and their staff have learned to use them as they tend to protect themselves. So it is good to learn how to use a PPE as a health care worker. Because you do not know when it may be necessary when we consider the rate at which the infection is spreading. It may get to that level soon. Most PPE are disposable. Especially the gown and the gloves. Some facemask, boots and goggles are reusable. The proper use of the PPE ensures health care workers are safe. Most of the health care workers that got infected confess that they did not know the proper way to use the PP...