How To Increase Profit In Community Pharmacy Using Supplements
Community/retail pharmacy is a good business venture in Nigeria. It takes time to build customer base. However, after a while the business generate regular profit. OTC supplements Every business wants to succeed and grow. Most community pharmacy attain such growth with provision of medical advice and prescription refill. But there is one simple secret to increased profit. The sale of over the counter supplements. Over The Counter (OTC) Supplements The sales of OTC otherwise called front end products is ever growing. From what is on ground, it is not stopping anytime soon. It is a good place to invest time and energy on. This is because even sales assistant can contribute in selling these products. That makes it a potential to increase sales. So what are the strategies to use in this area? Market Research To be able to key into OTC supplements, you need to do a little bit of market survey. These supplements are actually used to supplement treatment of disease conditions....