Medical Abbreviations Encountered By Pharmacist With Meaning

Medical abbreviation used in pharmacy can be complicating. They are so many and no single course subject was it taught. Many pharmacists have to learn it on the job.
Learning about medical abbreviation is one thing, understanding medical doctor writing is another. Most patients come to the pharmacy with a written prescription sheet. With the poorly written prescription, the patient is now at the mercy of the pharmacist to decode the writing.
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Pharmacists must learn medical abbreviations. However, patients can do well to grab the basics just for fun because your pharmacist will always be available to guide you in dosage.
Medical abbreviations covers so many aspects of prescription. From the name of the drug to the dosage form, dose, dose frequency, etc, the prescription needs an interpreter. Some of the abbreviations are meant for medical laboratory scientist to decode when carrying out laboratory test.

Reasons For Medical Abbreviation

Medical abbreviation serve two main purposes. It helps to conceal some important information from people who are not in the field and got their hands on a patient file.
Secondly, the use of medical abbreviations saves time and space. Patient medical record card are usually small. The use of these abbreviations reduce the space used for prescription and description. It always helps to save some time from writing words in full. This gives medical doctors time for other important things.
But there is a problem with medical abbreviations. Poorly written or wrong abbreviations or misinterpreted one can create room for medication error. For example, ATX can be misunderstood for zidovudine or azathioprine. Poorly written units of measurement can also create room for error. Writing μg can be misunderstood to mean mg. In fact, it is recommended to write out microgram. Using decimal place in figures can be confusing. 5.0 can be misinterpreted as 50 if the period is not very clear.
To reduce the above problem, medical abbreviations should be generally agreed upon in an establishment say a hospital using existing standards. The list should be developed by a representative of each health care team head of department. The medical abbreviations should not contain words that are similar or have slight difference. For example, tnl and tml are too close and can be confused for the other.
The use of a computer to type is better than handwritten prescription as the words will be very clear. The font should be readable. In a situation whereby it will be difficult to type, the handwritten should be eligible.
Medical abbreviation meaning and how to use it
Rx abbreviation

Abbreviation And Meaning


aa...of each
AAA...apply to affected area
AB... abortion
abd... Abdomen
ABGs... Arterial blood gases
ABO...Three main blood types
AC...Air conduction
a.c...before meals (ante cibum)
Accom... Accommodation
ACh... Acetylcholine
ACTH... Adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACDV... Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
a.d...right ear (auris dextra)
ad much as desired; freely (ad libitum)
ADH... Antidiuretic hormone
ADP... Adenosine diphosphate
AED...Antiepileptic drug
AF... Atrial fibrillation
AFB... Acid-fast bacillus
AHF...Antihemophilic factor
AI...Aortic insufficiency
AKA...Above-knee amputation
ALL...Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
ALP... Alkaline phosphatase
ALT... Alanine aminotransferase formerly SGPT
a.m...morning; before noon
AMA... against medical advice
amb... ambulation
AML... Acute myelocytic
AMP... Adenosine monophosphate
ANA... antinuclear antibodies
Ant... anterior
AP... Anteroposterior and percussion
A&P...Auscultation and percussion
APTT... Activated partial thromboplastin time
AR... Assisted respiration
ara-C...Cytosine arabinoside
ARDS...Acute respiratory distress syndrome
AROM...Active range motion
a.s...left ear (aortic stenosis)
ASA... Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
ASAP...As soon as possible
ASD... Atrial septal defect
ASH... Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy
ASHD... Arteriosclerotic heart disease
AST...Aspartate aminotransferase formerly SGOT
Astigm... Astigmatism
ASV...Anti-snake venom
ATC...around the clock
ATP... Adenosine triphosphate
Ausc... Auscultation
a.u...both ears
A-V...Arteriovenous, atrioventricular
AVR... Aortic valve replacement


BaE... Barium eneme
BAL...Blood alcohol level
b.b.a...Born before arrival
BBB... Blood Brain Barrier
BC...Bone conduction
B-Cells...Lymphocytes produced in bone marrow
BCG...Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
BCNU...Bischoro Ethylnitrosourea
b.d... twice a day
b.i.d...twice a day (bis in die)
BM... bowel movement
BMR...Basal metabolic rate
BNF... British national formulary
BO... Blood pressure
BP...blood pressure
BPH... Benign prostatic hypertrophy per minute
BS... blood sugar
BT... Bleeding time
bucc...inside cheek
BUN... Blood urine nitrogen


c...with (cum; often written with a bar above it)
C... Celsius (centigrade)
C-1, C-2... First, second cervical vertebrae
C.A...chronological age
Ca... Calcium, cancer
CAD...Coronary artery disease
Cath...catheterization or catheterize
CBC, c.b.c...Complete blood count
cc...cubic centimeter (cm3)
CC...chief complaint
CD... controlled drug
Chem... Chemotherapy
CHF... Congestive heart failure
Chr... chronic
Ci... microcurie
Cigl... correction with glasses
CK...creatine clearance
Cl... chlorine
CLL... Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia     
cm...centimeter.    Also used as an abbreviation for cream
CMF...Cytoxan, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil
CML... Chronic myelocytic leukaemia
CMV... Cytomegalovirus
CNS... Central nervous system
Co... Cobalt
CO2...carbon dioxide
℅...complains of
CONT... continuous
COP...Cytoxan, Oncovin, and Prednisone
COPD... Chronic obstructive coronary disease
CPAP... Continuous positive airway pressure
CPC... Clinicopathological conference
CPK...Creatine phosphokinase
CPR... Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPZ... Chlorpromazine
CrCl…Creatinine clearance
CRF... Chronic renal failure
CS...Caesarean section
C&S... culture and sensitivity
C-section...Caesarean section
CFS... Cerebrospinal fluid
ct... count
CV... cardiovascular
CVA...Cerebrovascular accident
CVP... Central venous pressure
CVP...Cytoxan, vincristine and Prednisone
CVS... Cardiovascular system
C/ with
CXR...Chest X-ray
cyl... cylindrical lens
Cysto... Cystoscopy

D & C... Dilatation and curettage
DAW    dispense as written
DD... Discharge diagnosis 
d.c.; d/c...discontinue
decub... lying down
DES... Diethylstilbestrol
DI... Diabetes insipidus, diagnostic imaging
Diff... Differential count (white blood cell)     
DIR INF... direct infusion 
DLE...Discoid lupus erythematosus
DM... Diabetes Melitus
DNA... Deoxyribonucleic acid
DOA...Dead on arrival
DOB... Date Of birth
DOE...Dyspepsia on exertion
dsg... dressing
DT's... Delirium tremens
DTR...Deep tendon reflexes
D5W...5% glucose in distilled water
Dx... Diagnosis


e... Without
EBV... Epstein Barr Virus
ECF... Extended care facility
ECG…(EKG) Electrocardiogram
EDC... Expected date of confinement
EDD... Expected date of delivery
EDL... Essential drug list
EDTA... ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EEG... Electroencephalogram
EENT...ear, eyes, nose and throat
EM... Electron microscope
Emdex... Essential Medicine Index
EMG... Electromyogram
ENT...ear, nose and throat
EOD...every other day
 eos... Eosinophils
EPS...Extrapyramidal symptoms
ER... emergency room, estrogen receptor; Also ER; XR...extended-release
ESR... Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 
ETF...Eustachian tube function
EUA... Examination under anesthesia
Exc... Excision


Fb... Fingerbreadth
FBC...Full blood count
FBS... fasting blood sugar
f-c...Film coated
FDA...Food and drug administration
FH... family history
Flo2...inspired oxygen concentration
FSH... follicle stimulating hormone
ft., f.,...make; let it be made
FTA-ABS... Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
F/u...follow up
FUO...fever of undermine origin
fx... fracture
FXD...for 10 days X = Roman numeral for 10


g, gm...gram
Ga... Gallium
GABA...Y-amino butyric acid
GC... gonorrhoea
GFR... Glomerular filtration rate
GH... growth hormone
GI... Gastrointestinal
gr….grain (s)
Grab, 123... First, second and third pregnancy
GTT... Glucose intolerance test     
gtt...drop (gutta)
GU... Genitourinary
Gyn... Gynecology


h., hr., hor...hour
H... Hydrogen; hypodermically
Hb, Hbg... Haemoglobin
H & H... hematocrit and hemoglobin
HbIG...Human chorionic gonadotropin
HCT (Hct)... hematocrit
HCT; HCTZ...hydrochlorothiazide   
HD... Hearing distance
HD... Hodgkin's disease
h.d...At bedtime (hora decubitus)
HDCV...Human diploid cell rabies vaccine
HDL...High density lipoproteins
He... Helium
Hg... Mercury
Hgb... hemoglobin
hGH...Human growth hormone
5-HIAA...5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
h/o... History of
H2O... water
HOB...head of bed
HR... heart rate
h.p.f...High power field (microscope)
HR... heart rate bedtime (“at the hour of sleep”)
HSG... Hysterosalpingography
h-s- mega... Hepatosplenomegaly
HVD... Hypersensitive vascular disease
HVS.. High vagina swab
hx... history


I... iodine
IADH...Inappropriate Antidiuretic hormone
ICP... Intracranial pressure
ICU... Intensive care unit
IgA, IgD, IgG... Immunoglobulins
inf ...infusion, inferior
inh ...inhalation, isoniazid
I&O...intake and output
INT... intermittent
I.O.P...intraocular pressure
IPPB... Intermittent positive-pressure breathing
IPTp... intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy
I.Q...Intelligence quotient
ITP... idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
IR...immediate-release unit
IUCD... Intrauterine contraceptive
IUD...Intrauterine device, Intrauterine death
IVAC... Intravenous controller
IVP... Intravenous pyelogram
IVPB... Intravenous piggy bank
KUD... Kidney, Ureter and bladder
L...liter, left, lower
L-1, L-2... first, second lumbar vertebrae
LA...Left Atrium
Lap... Laparotomy
LAT (lat)... lateral
LB... Large bowel
LBW...Low birth weight
LCM...Low costal margin
LD (LDH)... Lactic dehydrogenase
LDL...Low density lipoprotein
LE... Lupus erythematosus
LFT...Liver function test
LH...luteinizing hormone
liq…. liquid
LLL...Left lower lobe
LLQ... left lower quadrant (abdomen)
LMP...Last menstrual period
LN, InLymph node
LOC...Loss of consciousness
LP... Lumbar puncture
l.p.f...lower power field
LR...lactated ringer's solution
LSD...Lysergic acid diethylamide
LSK...Liver, spleen and kidneys
LTH... Prolactin
LUL...Lower upper love (lungs)
LUQ...Left upper quadrant (Abdomen)
LV...Left ventricle
L&W... Living and we'll
lymph... Lymphocyte


m...meter, minim
M... Monocytes
m2... square meter
MAC...Monitored anaesthesia care
M.A...Mental age
MAOI... Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
MAP...Mean Arterial pressure
mc...Millicure (dose of radiation)
MCA... Motorcycle accident
MCH...Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
MCL...Midclavicular line
MCV...Mean corpuscular volume
M/C/S...Microscopy, culture and sensitivity
mEq/L... Milliequivalent per litre
mg... milligram
mcg... micrograms
MDP...Medrol Dosepak (Pre-dosed packaging of methylprednisolone (Medrol)
MH... Marital history
MI... Myocardial infarction, mitral insufficiency
min... Minute
most... Mixture
ml... Milliliter
mm... Millimeter
mm Hg... Millimeter of Mercury
mo... months
MPD... Maximum permissible dose
mRNA... Messenger RNA
MS...Mitral stenosis, multiple sclerosis, morphine sulphate
MSL...Midsternal line
MTX... Methotrexate
MVA...motor vehicle accident
MVP...Mitral valve replacement


N... Nitrogen, Node, Normal 
Na... sodium
NANB...NON-A, NON-B hepatitis
NB.. Newborn
NBS... Normal bowel or breath sound
NC...Nasal cannula
NED...No evidence of disease
Neg... Negative
NERD...No evidence of recurrent disease
N.F...National formulary
NG...Nasogastric tube known allergies
noc... night
NOS...not otherwise specified
NPDL...Nodular, poorly differentiated lymphocytes
NPI... National programme on immunization
NPO... Nothing by mouth
NS... normal saline
NSAID...nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NTP...Normal temperature and pressure
NV... neurovascular


O2... oxygen
OB... Obstetrics
OB...Organic brain syndrome
OCG...Oral cholecystogram
o.d...right eye
ODT...oral disintegrating tablet   
OOB...out of bed
OR... Operating room reduction, internal fixation
os... mouth
OS...Left eye
OT...Old tuberculin, occupational therapy
 OTC...Over the counter
Oto... Otology
OU...Each eye visit


P... phosphorus, pulse
P56...plasma-lyte 56
PA...prior authorization, posteroanterior
P&A... percussion and auscultation
PAC... Premature atrial contractions
PaCO2... Arterial carbon dioxide tension (pressure)
Palp... palpable, palpation
PaO2... Arterial oxygen tension (pressure)
Pap smear...papanicolaou smear
Para 1, 2, 3...Unipara, bipara, tripara (number of viable births)
PAT...paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
Path... pathology
PA view...posteroanterior view(x-ray position)
PBI... Protein-bound iodine
pc...after meals
PCN... penicillin
PCO2... carbon dioxide pressure
PCOS... Polycystic ovarian syndrome
PCV... packed cell volume
PCWP... pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
PFA... patent ductus arteriosus
PDR... physician's desk reference
PE... physical examination
PEEP... Positive and expiratory pressure
PE tube... Ventilating tube for eardrum
PERRL... pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation
PFT... Pulmonary function test
PG... Prostaglandin
PH... Hydrogen ion concentration
PID... Pelvic inflammatory disease
PKU... phenylketonuria
PM... post mortem, Petit Mal, afternoon
PMI... Point of maximum impulse
PMN... polymorphonuclear leukocytes
PMT... premenstrual tension
PND...paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
p.m...evening; after noon mouth; orally
p/o... postoperative
Posto... postoperative
PO2... oxygen pressure
Polys... polymorphonuclear leukocytes
POM... prescription only medicine
POMP... Prednisone, Oncovin, Methotrexate, and 6-mercaptopurine
Post... positive
post... postoperatively
PP... Postprandial (after meals)
PPD...Purified protein derivatives
Pre-op... preoperative
Prep... preparation
PRL... prolactin
p.r…rectally needed (for)
Pro-tim... Prothrombin test
PT... Prothrombin time, physical therapy
pt... patient
PTA...prior to admission
PTH... parathyroid hormone
PTT…partial thromboplastin time   
PU... pregnancy urine
PUD...peptic ulcer disease
PUO... Pyrexia of undetermined origin
PVC... premature ventricular contractions
pwd... powder
q...every; per
q12; q. 12 h.; q12°...every 12 hours (12 can be substituted with any number)
q1-2; q. 1-2 h.; q1-2°...every 1 to 2 hours (1 and 2 can be substituted with any number)
q.a.d.; q.o.d ...every other day
q.a.m ...every morning; every day before noon
q.d ...every day
q.h.s...every day at bedtime
q.i.d...4 times a day
q.p.m...every evening; every day after noon
q.n.s...quantity not sufficient
q.s ...a sufficient quantity
q.w ...every week


R...Respirations, rectal
r... right
Ra... Radium
rad... Radiation absorbed dose
RAI... Radioactive iodine
RAIU... Radioactive iodine uptake
Ratx... Radiation therapy blood cell, red blood count
RCM... Right costal margin
RECT... Rectal
REM... Rapid eye movement
RF... Rheumatoid factor
Rh...Rhesus factor in blood
RIA... Radioimmunoassay
RLL... Right lower lobe (lung)
RLQ... Right lower quadrant (abdomen)
RNA... Ribonucleic acid
R/O...Rule out
ROM...Range of motion
ROS... Review of systems
RP... Retrograde pyelogram
RT... Radiation therapy
RTI... Respiratory tract infection
RUQ... Right upper quadrant (abdomen)
RV... Right ventricle
Rx...prescription, treatment, therapy


s ...without
S-1, S-2... First, second sacral vertebra
SAN... Sinoatrial node
SBE... Subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBFT...Small bowel follow-through (x-ray study)
SC... Subcutaneous
S-C...sugar coated
Sed-rate... Sedimentation rate
s,gl... without correction (glasses)
SGOT...Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SH...Serum hepatitis
SC; SQ; SubQ    subcutaneous     
sig...write; label
SIML... synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation
SL; s.l ...sublingually; under the tongue     
SLE... Systemic lupus erythematosus
SOB...shortness of breath     
SOS...When necessary
S/P...status post gravity
SPE...Serum protein electrophoresis
SR... Sedimentation rate
Sr... Strontium
S/r... Sustained release half
st ...Stage (of disease)
Staph... Staphylococcus
SSRI...selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
STH...Somatotropin (growth) hormone
Strep... Streptococcus
S.T.S...Serological test for syphilis
Subcu... Subcutaneous
surg... surgical
SV-40...Simian vacuolating virus
SVC... superior vena cava
Sx... symptoms     


T. Temperature
T-1 T-2... First, second thoracic vertebra
T&A... Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TAD...take as directed   
TAH...Total abdominal hysterectomy
TAT... Thematic Apperception test
TB, tbc... Tuberculosis
TBI... Total-body irradiation     
Tc... Technetium
T-cell... lymphocytes produced in the thymus gland
Temp... Temperature
TIA... Transient ischemic attack
t.i.d...3 times a day
tinc... tincture nodal irradiation
TNM... Tumor, nodes and Metastases
TOP... Termination of pregnancy
top ...topical
TPI... Treponema pallidum immobilization
TPN...Total parenteral nutrition
TPR... Temperature, pulse and respiration
TSH... Thyroid-stimulating hormone
TT...Thrombin time
TUR... Transurethral resection
Tx... Treatment


UA... Urinalysis
UC... Uterine contractions
u.d., ut. dict directed
UGI... upper gastrointestinal series
ULN... Upper limit of normal
umb...Navel (umbilicus)
Ur... Urine
URI...Upper respiratory infection
Urol... Urology
u/s... ultrasound
U.S.P...United States pharmacopoeia
UTI... Urinary tract infection
UV... ultraviolet
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VA...Visual acuity
Vag... vaginal
VCU... Voiding cystourethrogram
VD...General disease
VDRL...Venereal disease research laboratory
VF... Visual field
VL...Very low density lipoproteins
VMA...vanillylmandelic acid
VO... verbal order
vol... Volume
VS...Vital signs


WBC...white blood count, White blood cell
W-E...Wide excision
w/f...with food; with meals
WFI... Water for injection
w/n...Well nourished
WMF...WHO (World Health Organisation) Model Formulary
WNL... Within normal limits
wt... weight


y/o... Year of birth

>... greater than
<...less than
=...equal to
≠...not equal to
↑... increase
↓... decrease
20... secondary
%... percent
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  1. This is a list of medical abbreviation, and trying to cover all the abbreviation term from medical specialty.

    Medical Abbreviation


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