Difference Between Wellbaby And Wellkid

Wellbaby and Wellkid are multivitamin products from the same company. Funny enough, they cater for the nutritional needs of children of the same age range. No wonder there is a clamor for the difference between these two because they share many similarities.
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Difference Between Wellbaby And Wellkid

1. Wellbaby has about four types of products from wellbaby drop (1 month - 12 months), Wellbaby vit D3 drop (1 month - 12 months), wellbaby liquid (4 months - 24 months, wellbaby liquid (4 months - 4 years) and wellbaby liquid (6 months - 4 years). Wellkid only have wellkid baby and infants (3 months - 5 years) and wellkid baby liquid and also chewable tablets (4 years - 12 years).
2. The ingredients and strengths between wellbaby liquid 4 months to 4 years is similar to that of wellkid baby and infant liquid (3 months - 5 years) except that wellkid baby and infant have higher strength of vitamin in some and lower in others or not at all.
Difference between Wellbaby And Wellkid
Wellbaby and Wellkid different ingredient


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