Is STC30 NAFDAC And FDA Approved

There is a growing concern as to if STC30 by superlife is registered by the food and drug administration (FDA) and the National agency for food and drug administration and control (NAFDAC). The reason is that it is believed that drugs and supplements registered by these agencies confer authentication to the product.

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Is STC30 Approved By FDA And NAFDAC

Before the FDA and NAFDAC approve any drug, the drug passes through many clinical trials and research. Drugs approved and causing harm to the public or failing to meet the indication are blamed on FDA and NAFDAC.

STC30 is approved by NAFDAC but not approved by FDA

However, supplements don't pass through such rigorous clinical trials and research. And so therefore, FDA and NAFDAC always add disclaimer to such products. FDA approved supplement comes with the notice 'this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.' For NAFDAC, they say 'these claims have not been evaluated by NAFDAC.'

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For the United State (US) FDA, STC30 has not been registered. There are some countries where their regulatory bodies are also called FDA. An example is the Philippines. FDA in the Philippines has been approved.

As for NAFDAC, STC30 is registered in Nigeria. It was given to the NAFDAC Reg. Number: A7-40231.


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