Can I Use Clotrimazole While On My Period

Clotrimazole is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Clotrimazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. It usually comes in the form of a tablet or cream for insertion.

Clotrimazole use during period

Can I Use Clotrimazole During Period

The answer is yes, of course. It is safe and is not contraindicated during this period. Because menstrual period is the period vagina yeast infection often affects women. Most women will find out that they will be prescribed these drugs during their period rather than any other time of their monthly cycle.

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There are many options for treating vagina yeast infection. There are oral antifungal tablets and vaginal antifungal tablets such as clotrimazole. The oral tablet will be preferred during this period. When vagina insert is required, clotrimazole may be used.

Clotrimazole insertion can be used during this period. If you have already started treatment and periods come, continue. However, if you are prescribed the drug during your period, you can delay its use until the period ends. But this is not advisable because you delay treatment and continue to suffer. Instead, start the treatment right away.


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