Is Okro Good For Fibroid Patient

Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas or myomas), benign monoclonal tumors, are the most common benign tumors in women of childbearing years. The cause of fibroids is not well understood. Risk factors include a family history of fibroids, obesity or early onset of puberty.

Can okro reduce fibroid

Okra or ‘lady’s finger’ or ‘bamia pod’ is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the Malvaceae family. It is a plant of the tropical and warm climates and the plant is highly valued due to its green pods. Okra vegetable is used in many dishes and cuisines and is rich in nutritional content.

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Okro And Fibroid

Okra is rich in Vitamin A and flavonoid antioxidants like beta-carotene, xanthin and lutein that help to protect us from lung and oral cavity cancers. It further strengthens our immune system.

Okra also takes care of your heart and the entire cardiovascular system by helping to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Okra also helps to reduce the pressure on the cardiovascular system by relaxing the blood vessels and arteries and thereby reducing blood pressure. This is very important in the management of fibroid.

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Potassium, present in okra, helps to balance sodium and thus maintains a proper fluid balance in the body. It acts as a diuretic thereby reducing toxins in the body. Toxins contribute to fibroid growth.

The fiber present in okra also helps us to regulate the absorption of sugar in our body as it clears out the excess cholesterol. This prevents diabetes. Diabetes is complicated in fibroid.


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