Calamine Lotion For Scabies Infection

In some cases, medical doctors prescribe calamine lotion for the treatment of scabies. Although it is not a treatment for scabies. It is usually prescribed along with a cure. Unfortunately, most people using it do so with the hope that calamine lotion will kill scabies.

Effect of calamine lotion on scabies infection

The active ingredient in calamine lotion is usually a combination of the minerals zinc oxide and 0.5% iron (ferric) oxide. 'Non-active' ingredients can include purified water, glycerin, calcium hydroxide and bentonite magma.

Scabies is a parasitic infection on your skin caused by microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. They take up residence just beneath your skin’s surface, laying eggs that cause an itchy skin rash.

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The condition is extremely contagious and is passed through skin-to-skin contact. You can also catch scabies from clothing or bedding that’s been used by someone with scabies.

Calamine Lotion Kill Scabies

The active ingredient, zinc oxide, has a calming effect on the skin, while antiseptic properties prevent infection from scratching.

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It is used to ease itching from scabies. It provides relief after using calamine lotion and soaking in a cool bath. Calamine lotion will only treat the symptoms of scabies, it will not kill the mites or their eggs.

So if you are using calamine lotion for scabies, add a treatment to it. Calamine lotion will not treat scabies. It only stop the itching that comes with scabies infection.


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