Pharmacist Response To Customer About Using Products They Prescribe

Response when a customer wants to know if the pharmacist have used a product
Community pharmacy
Community pharmacists have a lot of funny moonlight tales to tell. Conversing with different customers with different needs everyday provide opportunities to meet strange characters in the world. One of the most funny scenarios is when a customer is asking if the pharmacist have use the drug they are prescribing.
The above question may not be funny in some context. But when you consider some context, it becomes funny and to some extent weird. Take for instance, how can you ask a female pharmacist is she have ever use a particular brand of male condom just because she recommends it. Or asking a male pharmacist if he has ever use clomiphene tablet. If the question is about their partner, it will make sense. It does not add up at all if the question is about them personally. In such a situation, many pharmacists find it difficult on what to say.
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The truth is that pharmacists are drug experts. They know about this from study using research articles or experience on the job. So there is no way any pharmacist could have use most drugs in the pharmacist. Yet they will know so much about each drug and the one that is suitable for each condition.
Take for example, people go to electronic shops to buy gadgets they heard is good from friends or review online from first-hand users. Fortunately, the seller may also have some valuable information on the best products. The seller would have come to that conclusion from either personal use or information from customers feedback. A seller that is also a user will have more information than any other. But it is not possible for a seller to use all the product he or she sells. So therefore, the majority of the information from the seller will be from feedback.

How To Respond As A Pharmacist

If a customer asks if you have used a particular drug, the first thing is to consider that the customer just want to be sarcastic. That way you will be relaxed. However many customers are not. They want a first-hand review from a user and the pharmacist is the only one available. Make a humour out of it. Simply explain that it is not possible for any pharmacist to take every product available just to have a first-hand experience with it. Those experiments have been done during research and put into writing for you to read which you have done. And each drugs have indication. You cannot take a drug when you don't need it.
There are times when a customer asks you if you have used a particular brand among the various brands and why are you prescribing that. An explanation that holds water is that various brands come with different price. You took the one that you could afford as at that time instead of not taking anything at all.
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The best explanation that works and keeps working on customers is when you explain how a particular customer use the product and the testimony. Using a general testimony does not sound well with many. Saying all the customers I give it to get well after using it is not what they want to hear. They want a specific scenario that sounds exactly like their own condition and how the drug was able to solve the problem.
So when next they come for your head why you are recommending a particular brand or drug, remember don't fret. They are not asking stupid questions. They are only curious about their health and expenses. They don't want to treat a particular condition for long using different medications that don't seem to work. Take a time out to explain it to them.
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