Danger Of Eating Meat Tenderize With Paracetamol

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is an effective medication for mild to moderate pain and fever. It is an essential medicine under over the counter medication. It's importance rose to prominence in the 60s after evidence suggest side effects with other non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as aspirin.
It is one of the most used pain medications. It is found in many homes in different formation. There are tablets, caplets, syrups and suspension. Because of its importance, some drugs are manufactured with paracetamol inside in the form of a combination therapy.
Paracetamol have little or no side effects when taken at the right dose. The dose strength, duration and frequency depends on the age of the person and severity of pain. However, the maximum adult dose over a 24 hour period must not exceed 4g. Above this dose, paracetamol becomes a killer. More than 10g of paracetamol ingested is very toxic. How does this happen? How can it be prevented?

Mechanism Of Paracetamol Poisoning
How paracetamol at high dose destroy liver
Liver poisoning

At normal dose paracetamol is converted to active metabolites that help reduce pain. Above the normal dose, it is converted to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone-imine (NAPBI). NAPBI is rapidly converted to cysteine and mercapturic acid conjugate by liver glutathione which are non-toxic. When the dose to be converted overwhelmed the liver glutathione, the excess binds to hepatocytes and cause necrosis.

How Can Paracetamol Poisoning Be Prevented

Many people take more than one drug at a time treating multiple conditions. Some of these drugs are combination containing paracetamol. Taking such combination therapy and paracetamol together can lead to overdose on paracetamol. This can cause paracetamol overdose and liver damage.
Another major source of paracetamol poisoning is in eating meat prepared with paracetamol. Many restaurants are now looking for simple cheap effective ways to cut cost. They have turned to paracetamol to help reduce time and gas use in cooking meat. They claim that cooking meat with paracetamol help to make the meat tender fast. Unfortunately such actbis killing the public.
Heat applied to paracetamol convert it to a toxic metabolite called 4-aminophenol. This compound does not relieve pain and is dangerous to the liver. The level of damage done is dependent on the quantity of paracetamol use in cooking the meat and the quantity of meat consumed.


There are no symptoms for the first day except for some minor body disturbance. Signs and symptoms begin to manifest as from the third day with yellow skin, blood clotting problem and confusion. There are other minor signs and symptoms.


Paracetamol toxicity in most cases resolve on its own. Death can occur from day three and four. After that, the person can recover without medication. But to be on the safer side, the person can be treated.the earlier, the better. The use of activated charcoal with 2 hours of ingesting the drug is very effective. Maximum time is 8 hours and must be continued for up to 24 hours.
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Methionine, N-acetylcysteine are antidote for paracetamol poisoning. N-acetylcysteine is believed to help in the production of glutathione. Liver failure from laboratory result may require liver transplant which is the only solution as the toxicity cannot be reversed.
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