HIV/AIDS Home Testing Kit Called Oral Fluid-Based Rapid Diagnostic Test

Human immunodeficiency virus ((HIV) is the virus responsive for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) disease. It is a global endemic and epidemic that has affected over 34 million people worldwide. It is transmitted from person-to-person through sex, sharing of sharp objects or blood transfusion.

There is no current drug or vaccine for treatment. Available drugs are for management of the disease. And many people with the disease are not aware. This is because the time from getting infected and experiencing symptoms is long.

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The common method to know HIV/AIDS status is through Western blot/enzyme linked immunoglobulin specimen assay (ELISA) using blood in a diagnostic laboratory. Since many people are not aware they have HIV/AIDS, they don't bother going for the test. A greater percentage of people want to know their status but they fear their data may get to the wrong hands in those laboratories or hospitals. Then comes oral fluid based rapid tests.

It is difficult for people to go to a hospital and get tested to know their HIV/AIDS status. The fear and embarrassment looks them faster. They wish to be anonymous. And here comes oral fluid-based rapid test to the rescue. It is very accurate and approved by WHO to test for HIV at the comfort of your home. Buy these at a very cheap rate in community pharmacy near you and get yourself tested today.

Oral Fluid-Based Rapid Test

This approved test uses oral fluid to check for antibodies to HIV type 1 and HIV type 2. Some few models use blood samples. It comes with a test stick, a test tube and disposable bag. The brand 'oraquick rapid test' also enclosed with these are testing direction and two information booklets ('HIV, testing and me' and ' what your result means to you') and a phone number.

Principles Of Rapid Test

The test tube contains a developer solution (a protein bound to colloidal gold, immunoglobulin G). It binds to HIV antigens immobilised in the strip enclosed in the housing and moves up the chromatographic plate. The whole set-up is an immunochromatographic test.

Oral fuid-based rapid test kit for HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS oral test kit

1.  Gently swipe the test swab along the upper and lower gum once.

2. Insert the swab inside the test tube with the developer.

3. Wait for 20-40 minutes.


According to a research by Bhuvan Jyoti and Parvathi Devi in their article 'Detection of HIV using oral mucosal transudate by rapid test,' western blot/ELISA had similar result with oral fluid rapid test which was uniform in both those in antiretroviral. It had similar sensitivity and specificity.

A working test shows a red colour or mark at the C mark. A positive result will show a red mark at the C and T mark. A negative result is when the C is red but the T is plain (no colour).

According to the world health organisation (WHO), the result produces 92% for test sensitivity for those who are HIV positive. That means that in every 12 tests conducted in HIV/AIDS patients, one will turn out false negative. On the other hand, they also said that the test result is 99.98% sensitively when HIV is not present. That is to say that one false positive result is expected out of every 5000 tests in uninfected individuals.

A positive result needs confirmation from a diagnostic laboratory. A negative result means no HIV or still in the window stage. Another test should be done in six months time. That is because most people only start producing antibiotics three months after getting infected and some even take up to six months.

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Who Should Test

1. Everybody can be tested for HIV but this test kit is for people above seventeen (17) years of age

2. Those who are sexually active

3. Those who are exposed to sharp objects

Advantages Of Oral Fluid-Based Diagnostic Test

1. Convenience

2. Ease of sample collection

3. Non-invasive

4. Cultural acceptance

5. High accuracy

6. Rapidity

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